Tuning Windows

I’m a Cantabile customer, and I have had email discussions with the software’s creator. He knows what he’s doing. However, I haven’t read the eBook so I can’t comment on its usefulness.


I scanned the eBook very quickly just now. There are things discussed (like core parking) that I did not know before. Whether or not it’s a legitimate concern for tuning an audio processing PC remains to be seen, but he gets credibility points from me regardless.

Thanks Larry. :sunglasses:

Alternatively, buy a pre-built system with free life-long support from someone like ADK, and fuhgeddaboutit!

Larry, thanks for this useful link. I think, but I’m not sure, that the Steinberg power profile would handle the core parking disablement. I am sure it needs to be disabled for a well performing multi-core system. I read the e-book, and I think he hits on all of the items that I had read about elsewhere, plus a few more.

By the way, one of the big ones for me that he does cover in a general sense is anti-virus, but he doesn’t cover the specifics for Windows Defender. I moved to Win 10, and found that every time a new plug-in was invoked in a song, I got a major glitch as Windows Defender scanned the plugin. This was pointed out to me in another thread. If you migrate to Win 10 and use Defender, you have to put the Cubase directory and VST Plugin directory in the exception list. I think this may have already been known to Win 8 users, but in my case, I had migrated from Win 7.

Anyway, the explanations are great, and the e-book was quite useful. Thanks.

FWIW, I migrated from W7 to W10, use Defender, and have never had to put anything in the exception list. I have added plug-ins since migrating to W10, and of course brought a bunch over from W7.

Be happy to try and answer any questions about my settings if you think that would be helpful.

Thanks. That’s interesting. The only thing I can think of that would make that difference is turning off Real Time Protection (which scans programs before executing). But Windows 10 doesn’t let you turn it off permanently. Wonder what else it could be. At any rate, adding the folders to the exception list did stop the bad behavior.

Larry, that was really interesting. I wonder if you tuned it well enough that it would warm up the audio too.

Only if I use a toaster oven screen saver.