Tuplet notation vs. playback problem

Can somebody please tell me, what’s going on here with the tuplets in bar 3?
Tuplet problem.dorico (672.4 KB)

Notationally, a number of your measures don’t have enough “stuff” in them. The sixteenth-note triplets only fill an eighth’s duration. Not sure why they’re playing back as the beat-2-filling eighth-note triplets, though…

This version has the triplets notationally corrected, but is there some other musical result you want?

Tuplet problem eighths.dorico (669.4 KB)

Me neither. And there’s a lot of them in the whole piece.
Btw: it’s original Dorico - not an xml import.

What do you actually want to hear?

I want to see, what I hear :slight_smile:

Then the one I uploaded should do the trick.

Thank’s and yes, but that means that I have to rewrite a lot of other places.
This shouldn’t happen at all… :thinking:

Well, things don’t just “happen.” You must have set the initial note value to a sixteenth.

I often wonder why people in this forum are so reluctant to recognize a solution…

I probably did. But then I would expect some rests if the bars is not filled out ?
And I would expect playback to play, what’s written…

I’m not. I’m just searching for an explanation.

So would I. Very strange. How exactly did you enter the sixteenth-note triplets?

EDIT: @Mads_Vinding, I checked your original, and see that you entered them as 3:4. So the playback is “correct” (three sixteenths occupying the duration of four). I don’t know of any cleaver way to simply redefine the existing tuplet values. Perhaps someone else does?

Could insert mode have done this?


Don’t forget about select + opt/alt + click. You could pretty quickly get the correct eighth-note triplet rhythm that way, then “just” (not sure how many “a lot” is) go back and edit the pitches.

Yes - that’s probably the easiest way.
Thank’s @judddanby :slight_smile:

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You entered 3:4 triplets and they show just “3”, which is misleading and incorrect notation. When you enter just 3 in the popover, you get a proper 3:2.