I need help with tuplets. In a 4/4 measure, on beat 3, I need to write one eighth note followed by a tuplet of three sixteenth notes. I have no idea how to do it. I tried simply inputting the notes, but Dorico did not create a tuplet. I also tried creating a tuplet 3:.5. When you stop laughing, maybe someone can tell me how to this. Thank you!
When you get to the 8th note where you want the tuplet: select 16th note duration > open the tuplet popover via the ; key > enter 3:2 into the popover.
This tells Dorico to create a 16th tuplet with 3 notes in the space of 2.
or write 3:2x in the tuplets popover (x is the value for 16th note, that way, even if you have forgotten to choose that rhythmic value before invoking the tuplets popover, the tuplet will be exactly what you’re looking for). Hope it helps!
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Thank you! I was making this way harder than it is–over-thinking.
Many thanks! I was over-thinking and making it way more more difficult. What amazing program and supportive, experienced users!