Two independent views of the project working area?

Is it somehow possible in Nuendo to have an access to two independent views (both horizontal and vertical) of the same project? I am talking specifically about the event display area.

The idea behind it, that in this case I can create a constant access to a certain part of my project and have it on the second screen. Which could be amazingly helpful in my working production.

The divide track list option is not working for me here, please do not recommend it! :slight_smile:

One of the idea is to run two instances of the same project on the same PC. But is it somehow possible?

A great idea. It would be nice to have a whole view (much bigger and accuracy than now) and other more specific for a working area for example. Or two independent windows, very useful for example when youโ€™re doing post for audiovisuals and you need to copy some events from one point to another.

A few days ago I was thinking about it.


yeah, there are tons for improvements specifically for editing job environment :slight_smile:
I also need a second view for the event exchange procedure convenience.