Two instances of the same Project window open at same time, on different monitors

I have a 4 monitor setup, with three monitors at a desk and 4th monitor in drum tracking room. I need to be able to open up 2 instances of the project window at the same time and place one on a desk monitor and the other on the monitor in the close by drum tracking room. Two people need to be able to see the project window in the two locations at the same time. I’ve searched and can’t figure out how to do what should be this very simple thing. I am on a Mac and running Cubase 13 Pro. I can have like 4 instances of the mix console open but can’t figure out how to get more than 1 instance of the project window open. Any help greatly appreciated.

You can’t do it in Cubase, only one Project Window per Project. It has been requested in the past.

Not a Mac person, but maybe the OS can mirror one monitor onto another.

Why do you want both positions to be able to see the Project Window? Perhaps there is another way to approach that need.

Not sure what makes you assume this should be simple? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But it may be possible via using software that is designed for screen capture.

For example OBS Studio is free, multi-platform and widely used.

For your use case, you would ignore all of the recording and live streaming functionality and just set up OBS to capture the Cubase Project Window and display it within the OBS monitoring window.

And that OBS window could then be positioned on the monitor in your drum room.

p.s. This is conceptually also possible with other screen capture/recording type of software - but only if it has its own monitoring window, because that window effectively creates the duplicate that you want.

That’s pretty clever

Yeah, bit it seems the “mirror monitor” approach might be a tadbit more clever. It doesn’t require an additional software to run, if macOS is able to do it natively.

can you do a mix of “extend monitor” and "mirror monitor"on MacOS?

I’ve never run 4 monitors, as the OP outlines - and the very quick search I did before posting didn’t unearth that you could mix the two modes.

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