Two questions about Engrave menu's dialogs (Paragraph Styles, Character Styles, Playing Techniques, Notehead Sets, etc.)

I have two questions about Engrave menu’s dialogs (Paragraph Styles, Character Styles, Playing Techniques, Notehead Sets, etc.)

Question 1. In Paragraph Styles and Character Styles, the modified mark (*) in the styles list disappears if I select other styles before confirming the dialog. Please see my GIF.
This behavior doesn’t occur in the other Engrave menu’s dialogs (Playing Techniques, Playback Techniques, Notehead Sets, Music Symbols, Chord Diagrams, Lines, etc.).
Is it a bug?
Question 2. In Notehead Sets, Music Symbols, Lines, Line Bodies, Line Annotations, and Repeatable Symbols, the Revert to Factory mark (anticlockwise circle arrow mark) is activated only when the setting is modified from the factory default. This behavior helps to distinguish whether the value of style has changed or is the factory default.
But in Paragraph Styles, Character Styles, Playing Techniques, and Playback Techniques, the Revert to Factory mark is always activated and doesn’t change regardless of whether the setting is modified or is the factory default. I feel it a little inconvenient because I can’t distinguish certain style is whether modified status or factory default status easily.
Are there any reasons for these Revert to Factory mark’s inconsistent appearances between Engrave menu’s dialogs?
I’m running Dorico Pro 3.5.10, Mac.

Yes, the first of these behaviours is a little bug, which is on our backlog to be fixed. And the reason for the difference in the behaviour of the “revert” button between the Paragraph/Characrter Styles dialogs and the other dialogs is down to a difference in the way the check for whether the style can be reverted is implemented. We’ll see about trying to bring this more in line in future.

Thanks for a reply, Daniel.
I’m glad to hear that Dorico team is planning to improve these behaviors.