Two Staves per page?

Hello my friends. (Finale user here.) I have successfully entered an SSAA w/Piano score. It is currently 19 pages long. On each page there is one stave of SSAA/Piano. I would like to put TWO staves on each page. I think this is done in engrave mode which I am only beginning to understand.

When I set up the score, I did not alter anything. I just put in the voices and the piano parts. Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed to get two staves per page. ?? TYIA

Hi, you can increase the paper size for that layout, or decrease the margins, or decrease the staff size.

This is done in library - layout options

That’s good to know. But I have zero clue what to do once I’m in Layout options.

I would need a step by step instruction.

First, probably reduce the space size (increase rastral size). That is in Layout options >Page setup.
Then probably modify Layout options >Vertical spacing >Ideal gaps. Those are the minimum gaps you’re willing to accept. They will be applied in case you’ve filled the page at 100% or have chosen not to vertically justify. Chances are you will reduce those values a little bit.
Then check the Vertical Spacing >Justification thing. You can spend some time with those two valyes alne. I find using 50 and 95 give me all in all perfect results.

And since you’re working on vocal material, you might want to reduce the space between the staff and the lyrics, default is 1.5 spaces, I find 0.75 is enough. That would be in Engraving options>Lyrics.

Hope it helps!

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I would recommend watching or at least dipping into this Discover Dorico session on various ways to achieve good spacing:


If you need specific help, then you’ll need to show us the project file. You can send it as a Private Message if you’d rather not post it publicly.

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