UI frozen but audio still plays back

I tried searching for this on here but didn’t see any topics exactly like it so apologies if it’s been asked a bunch already.

I’m new to Wavelab but was working fine in it for a few hours then out of nowhere the UI would freeze when I hit play but audio is still playing back. I can see signal in my outboard gear and hear the audio playing as well. When I hit stop the meters fall and the UI comes back, I’m able to move stuff around, click in menus etc as you would expect.

I’ve rebooted the computer and wavelab multiple times now with no luck.

Thanks in advance.

Windows 11
12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-12900K 3.20 GHz
64.0 GB RAM

Mac or Windows? I would reset all preferences anyway, by erasing the folder:

Windows 10/11
C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\WaveLab Pro 12\

/Users/YourName/Library/Preferences/WaveLab Pro 12/

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Hi, I’m on windows 11.

I’ll give that a shot today and then report back. thanks

That seems to have done the trick. I sure hope that I don’t have to do this often!

Thank you.