Unable to activate cubase 13 upgrade license from 10.5

I have Cubase 10.5, and have purchased an upgrade license for 13. I have spent hours trying to upgrade the license but nothing is working. I have contacted support but of course they haven’t replied, so any help would be really, really appreciated.

-Cubase 13 installed
-10.5 appears in licenser control
-eLicenser plugged in, have tried multiple ports / reinstalling latest version of eLicenser control…
-Have updated download assistant / reinstalled it
-Have performed maintenance in elicenser centre


Please help me, forum wizards!

Yeah use the “Steinberg Activation Manager” program that got installed with everything





Try this: Logout from Activation Manager and close it. Start again and login. Does this help?

I have the same problem, but from Cubase 11 to 13 pro, Steinberg just became a non-professional company. after 20 years I am honestly disappointed and will have to switch to another daw where I will have support.

I’ve tried this - unfortunately it doesn’t seem to help. I’ve tried logging out of the download manager too and still nothing

This is so disappointing and ultimately amounts to theft doesn’t it? Steinberg have stolen our money at this point.

Ditto…Cubase 10 to 13 upgrade. Experienced exactly the same problem(s). Have contacted Support 3 times but no support whatsoever. Appalling. I’ve been using this stuff since 2006 and would have expected better.

You bought an update from Artist 11 or older but looks like your existing license is a Pro license and not an Artist license.

KHS…thank you so much for pointing out the obvious! My Cubase 13 is now successfully up and running. If it hadn’t been for your keen eye I would still be waiting. Thanks!!

KHS you are a legend