Unable to create tremolos

Deux jours que je cherche comment mettre des tremolos sur la hampe des notes. Impossible de trouver …
Quelqu’un peut il m’aider? Je ne vois rien dans le manuel qui explique comment ajouter ce signe tremolo.

Welcome to the forum, @Manuel_Bleton. This is an English-language forum, so please post in English if possible. You can use machine translation if you are not comfortable writing in English yourself. Here is your post translated from French:

I’ve been trying for two days to figure out how to put tremolos on note staffs. I can’t find it … I’ve only had the software for two days and I’m already fed up with this gas factory!
Can anyone help me? I don’t see anything in the manual that explains how to add this tremolo sign.

I’m not familiar with the French idiom that results in the English “gas factory”, but I’m guessing it’s not a compliment! :smiley:

Here’s the page in the manual about how to input tremolos:

(That’s the English page, but when you go there, you can choose the language from the drop-down at the top of the page.)

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Ce qui est loin d’être suffisant… hélas.
Après six mois, ayant épluché les manuels, premiers pas et autres videos, j’ai encore du mal avec cette « usine ». :wink:

If you don"t have feeling with the Popover method, the panel will allow to input such tremolos too :

Tremolos à l’aide du panneau de droite

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Bienvenue @Manuel_Bleton :slight_smile:

Peut-être assayer notre Premiers pas tutoriel? Il y a un page sur tremolos avec beaucoup d’images.

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