Unable to export percussion map to library file

Hi Ulf,

I have made Superior Drummed 3 Percussion Map (based which is delivered in forum ) and everything has gone nice way. But now after updating to latest version of Dorico I have hazard problem. When I try to store percussion map to disk Dorico falls suddenly and nothing is stored of my latest modifications.

I can send to you my expression maps but I think taht that’s is not enough. What I can do?

Best Regards,

Could you post an example project that contains the percussion map here?

I would need to check out whether it works for me (AFAIK, I’m the one who created all those percussion maps). Where in your disk were you looking for those maps?
[Edit] I just opened my Superior Drummer 3 core file and it works as expected… :person_shrugging:
Superior Drummer 3 Core revised.dorico (1,7 Mo)

Please find the attached file. It is SD3 percussion II file. I have modified it today for better suit my needs. I tested today version 5.17 and it falls also with that Dorico version.

SD3 Orchestral Percussion II.zip (8,6 Kt)

What is it that fails? I’ve just tried this:

  1. start a new project
  2. import the percussion map
  3. export the percussion map as a new doricolib file

For me that works fine. Could you give us a step-by-step guide to what you are doing?

In this dialog you see when I open the percussion file and try to store (export library) it

to disk. So I have not even greated any track on score!

And what is very interesting. The same crash happen in two computers, in my PC and laptop. Other percussion maps not have this exporting problem.

Could you do Help > Create Diagnostic Report and attach the zipfile here?

Ah, I see the problem. You’re trying to Export the percussion map when it hasn’t yet been saved into the score. You need to Import Library, then OK the dialog, then reopen the dialog, then Export Library.

It shouldn’t crash of course - I’ll make a note of that.

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It crash when ever I try to export the file. I try to send the diagnostic file but it is too big. Can I use email?

All percussion files are in … \DefaultLibraryAdditions directory and are automaticly loaded.

If it’s too big to attach here it might be too big to email. I suggest uploading it somewhere like OneDrive or Google Drive and then posting a link here.

it is under 25 MByte. I can send it by email. How it is with you?

Try it: my email is r dot lanyon at steinberg dot de

Ok, you did not mention it was the orchestral Percussion stuff (that I also made — that is the last one I made actually). I’ll try it tomorrow if I get a chance.
What modifications have you made? so that I know and improve :pray:
[Edit] I just tried
Superior Drummer 3 – Orchestral Percussion.dorico (1,5 Mo)
and it works as intended…

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I think the problem may occur when editing a percussion map that is in DefaultLibraryAdditions rather than being in the user library. As a workaround, you may be able to use Duplicate Percussion Map to create a new copy of the percussion map, which you can then export.

Hi Marc,

I have attached two files:

  • SD3 Orchestral Percussion II orig. doricolib

  • SD3 Orchestral Percussion II mod.doricolib

Only modification is that I have replaced original Congo and Bongo instruments with copy of originals. Nothing else have been modified. And now when I try to export library SD3 Orchestral Percussion II mod.doricolib Dorico falls.

I would like to use SD3 Orchestral Percussion II mod.doricolib in my own playback templates and that’s why I should modify it little bit.

Do you have any idea what I can do to get further?

Br, Timo

(Attachment SD3 Orchestral Percussion II orig.doricolib is missing)

(Attachment SD3 Orchestral Percussion II mod.doricolib is missing)

One more time.


Temp.zip (16.4 KB)

Hi Richard,

Even this doesn’t help :slightly_frowning_face:.

I made the copy of original and exported that to local directory (no VPN ON) → Dorico falls. It takes some seconds before the crash hapens.

I think in that case you will need to remove the percussion map from DefaultLibraryAdditions and import it into a project using Import Library instead, if you want to edit it.

Hi Richard,

First test was positive, Great!! I have to study more. I will give more information later.

It was really question in this case what did you suspect. But in other percussion maps that is not always the case? Thank’s your help very much.