Unable to login on cell phone

I’ve been using the this forum for many years on cell phone. Now I can’t login on the cell (Samsung android) anymore. Works fine on pc and IPad.
Any suggestions to fix this?

How far do you get? What happens? Are you using Chrome or another browser? Any add-ons in the browser? Did it work previously on this phone and suddenly stopped working? If so, have you rebooted your phone since it failed?

Just tried again. I use Google to the Steinberg website. When I try to login to “My Cubase”, or the forum I put in my email and password, then I get “ invalid “

I’d say try the “Forgot password” option to reset, but if it works fine on your PC that’s not it. I’m not sure how to do it, but I would say you need to flush the cache on Chrome on your phone. Try Googling the interwebs to find out how to do that.

Well, after changing my password 2 times it works.

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Glad you got it figured out.

Back to the beginning again. I’m only able to access this forum on my pc and ipad

Thought I’d share why I couldn’t login- if I let my email address get added automatically it adds a space at the end.
Crazy right?