A part contains two layers assigned respectively to channels 7 and 8 of a sternum module, when I play my keyboard MIDI channel 1 also “plays”.
I also have the problem that often, when I change Parts, the program changes (MSB LSB PC) of some layers are not sent correctly
to make everything work properly I have to close Live, reopen and reload the project
Input is any which then translates to the output channel you selected. This allows a keyboard on CH1 to control a vst on another channel. Effectively you have set it to “take any input channel and make it channel 7” (or 8 or whatever).
Change the input channel to 2 and see what happens …
It’s a problem I often encounter when planning a concert. when you move between parts, add or remove layers, solo/mute, after a while things sound that shouldn’t, and the only solution is to close and reopen the project
do you understand that by restarting the project everything sounds as it should? evidently “something” happens when you work on the project that messes something up. I often had a problem where changing songs kept playing a layer of another song.
in the specific case of this post, as you can see, they are layers assigned to an external expander, so nothing shared
Yes I do understand, But I also know, from experience, that sometimes a rogue setting in one song can affects others, and that it’s a process of elimination.
Please… please… it’s still broken…
I really don’t know what to do, it’s highly frustrating… during the design phase it happens continuously, it’s unnerving… even when changing songs unwanted midi channels continue to play.
I’m desperate… every five minutes I have to turn off and restart LIVE…
sorry being late with our answer. I guess you are running the latest Pre-Release? If the problem persists with this version, then we need the project file (*.vlprj). You can drop it here or send it to me with a private message.
But you have 16 Global (!) Layers, each on a different MIDI channel, so you literally send MIDI to all channels all the time. Then in addition you have local Layers, again with multiple different MIDI channels.
We cannot see where all those channels go, but it looks like a pretty complex setup.
If you say “continue to play”, what exactly does that mean? Do you send from tracks too? A Layer will continue to play until all sounding notes have received a note off command, and/or the sustain pedal is pressed, plus continue to play for the time set in preferences (Layers/Sustain seconds).
The 16 globals on 16 different channels only respond to two keys on my physical keyboard that I called “up” (you can check the assignment zones), and I needed them to send an all note off signal to all midi channels when the MIDI panic had not yet been implemented, although with poor results, since the CC selected on each of these layers was not sent.
Apart from this, you can safely remove the layers globally.
I refer you to the video I inserted in the first comment of this post to remember the problem that occurs. and unfortunately it constantly occurs when I work on projects, that is, when I create layers, songs, or try to copy layers.
I want to point out that at the time I made that video there was no global layer in the project.
Thank you
I mean what is indicated in the video…
Example: song 3 - part 1 - layer 1 assigned to channel 5
I move to other parts/songs and if in those parts there is no layer assigned to channel 5, the MIDI messages are also sent to channel 5 making it “play” (I’m not talking about suspended notes).
It’s as if that layer remained active, even if I moved to any other part of any other song.
The project is really too complex to figure out what exactly happens.
From your video, cannot tell which Song you play. One that looks similar has Layers also sending to Channel 1 of the same output.
We have your project, thanks for that, if you can tell us which Song/Part/Midi out exposes the problem…?
Also maybe just to try, make a backup of your project, remove global Part and see if it still happens, just for testing. If it happens, remove one Layer after the other and one Part/Song after the other and see if there are changes.
We never had a complaint like this, but your project has many Layers…we like to help, but need to be able to reproduce it.
I’ve already removed the global part, tried removing each song, and the problem persists.
So I found myself forced to start planning the new shows with something else.
And think that this project doesn’t have a high number of levels for my standard, in fact, it’s quite simple