Understanding CC Data VS Automation data

How is MIDI outdated?

Read the entire MIDI 2.0 specification. Each difference to MIDI 1.0 is a reason why its outdated.

I’ve been eagerly awaiting MIDI 2.0 for almost 20 years, reading every update I could find. As it stands currently, MIDI 2.0 is not supported enough on the market to be able to say that v1.0 is outdated (or just “MIDI” in general as Mr. Smyte states).
You can say that MIDI 1.0 is outdated when there is something available that supersedes it.

Another one of the arguments?
Sorry, mlib, not with you.

Excuse me?!
My point is simply that something, anything, can not be said to be outdated unless there is something better to take its place.