Unfreezing channel resets pre gain value

This will be reset to 0 when unfreezing:

Is this a bug? First time I notice it, on Cubase 13

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I can confirm the same behaviour on Cubase 14.
Everything else is kept and there are no options in the freeze/unfreeze dialogue. I am asking myself the same question: why the pre gain?

Good find.

Seems to happen only when the “Include Inserts for Instrument Tracks” option is activated upon freezing.

For you as a workaround: There is an undo created in the MixConsole for the change of the Gain parameter. So, after unfreezing a channel you can perform a MixConsole-Undo (Alt + Z, Opt + Z) in order to restore the previous setting.


No, it also happens with audio tracks.
The workaround, however, does the trick for audio tracks as well. Not too shabby - how did you come up with that idea??

Thanks guys and thanks @Johnny_Moneto for the cool workaround!

One thing to note if you guys like to freeze and unfreeze multiple channels, is that this bug only occurs on the first channel (from top to bottom), so that alt+z trick is pretty convenient also for multiple tracks.

@Reco29, it actually makes sense because the pregain isn’t being frozen when freezing tracks, so it makes sense to be able to undo the reset.

I do hope Steinberg will fix this as it’s easy to forget and screw up your channel gain

Yeah, I noticed that nothing happens during the Freeze process. It only happens during Un-Freeze. That is why you can work with the Undo function no matter how many things you have done in the meantime. Still, it didn’t occur to me to handle this with a simple and plain Undo. So, Kudos to MC Cubase :wink:

Here, it happens with all audio tracks on C14. Every single Pre gain is reset to 0 dB. However, as multiple Un-Freezing seems to count as one process with regard to the Undo function Johnny’s workaround still does the trick for all unfrozen tracks.

Again, cool that you noticed this behaviour as it can cause some serious trouble if you are not aware of it. And it seems to handle different track types differently, too.

Maybe you want to add the tag “Issue” to this thread? I don’t think that this behaviour is intentended the way it is.

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I noticed it after unfreezing caused my speakers to almost blow out (;

Thanks for letting me know, I think the “issue” tag was already added by another member

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