Unlinking voices

I have an orchestral score, in which I want to select only a couple of bars of the Violin I part. When I try to select it, I also get the Violin II part - which is exactly the same notation, so I have clearly used some cut&paste or something. How can I separate out these voices? I’m sure this is obvious, but I don’t know how to describe it, to look it up. Thanks!

Have you definitely created 2 players, one for each violin part, or have you divided 1 section player?

If the latter, you might be encountering a unison range.

hi, yes there are definitely two players: Violins I, Violins II. The previous bares are ok - they are quite separate, and hjighlight separately. Thanks!

Can you post a cut-down version of your project that shows the issue?

Thank you both: it was just brain fog - my apologies for troubling everyone!

Could you clarify what the resolution was, so anyone reading this thread in future with a similar issue can help find a similar solution?


Post-holiday stupidity - my apologies: there was a page turn, and divisi on the new page. I thought that Violins 1 div 1/2 were Violins 1/2. There is no problem.
Thanks for bearing with me.