Unpitched percussion, filtering/selectiing/dynamics

I cannot filter an instrument of a drum kit, neither by stem direction nor by voice nor by pitch. I also cannot select several notes of a single instrument by left/right arrows. And also it is not possible for me to give snare and kick drum different dynamics.
Is this definitely not possible or do I just not know how to manage it? The only workaround for selecting single notes of a drum kit instrument seems to be to use marquee selection.

Have you tried displaying the kit(s) in a layout temporarily as single-line staves and adjusting dynamics from there? The dynamic markings will likely not transfer to display on the five-line staff when you switch back, but you may get playback more in line with what you want.

For information about how to change the presentation type of a percussion kit, see here.

I know it was a couple of years ago but has there been any update on this?
I have a five line kit with separate voices for each instrument. Filtering down-stem voice one filters all down-stem voices, and filtering up-stem voice one filters all up stem voices. Filtering voices 2/3/4 doesn’t do anything.
Is there still no way to filter individual voices in a kit other than putting the instruments onto single staves?
I was hoping the piano roll would select all notes on one line but control/shift/arrow on one line selects everything in the kit.
Any advice or updates much appreciated.

If you are doing this filtering to apply individual dynamics, my advice above hasn’t changed. If you want to isolate the voices for different reasons, those reasons would be helpful to know.

Hi Derek

Thanks for that.
I wanted filtering for individual dynamics and maybe to move individual parts.
I workaround selecting notes in staves or key editor. My drum patterns are 4 or 8 bars copied and pasted anyway so it’s not a big deal.


If it is just dynamics, I would set some temp labels to let you know which line is which and then change the Layout to grid presentation. You can add dynamics to the individual instruments and, although these will not show up in your eventual five-line presentation (which you could handle separately to avoid clutter), this approach gives one much more granular control over dynamics than would editing in the five-line view.


Thanks Derek I will try that

I hope it will meet your needs.