Unremoving rests?

Working my way from Finale to Dorico. Copied a part in a WW5 from one line to another, and it put it into a second voice. Did the ‘remove rests’ thing to get rid of the extra whole rests, but now the 8th rest at the beginning of each measure is gone. I’ve tried deleting and re-entering the notation, but it still ‘hides’ the 8th rest. Help?

RMH, if you select the previous note and have a look down at the Property Panel, is there something ticked, like “End Voice”?
Or, if you select the first note after the “missing” rest, is “Start Voice” ticked?
Out of interest, what does WW5

Sometimes when I run into issues like this I have trouble getting the starts voice/ends voice thing right. Instead I’ll select a rest from another staff and paste it in where the missing rest is. If I have an empty measure nearby, I might use the bars popover (shift B) and type “rest” to place a whole rest, which will then “turn on” the rests from that point forward. I know this isn’t “correct” but sometimes it’s the only way I can get those rests to come back.

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My guess is that it might mean Woodwind Quintet (or perhaps World War 5, or anything else which might come to mind).

Usually putting a note at the start of the bar solves it if the starts voice/ends voice doesn’t work.

edit: WW5 = Werewolf 5? :grin:

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I was able to get some back (or re-entered) by entering the measure with an 8th note instead of the rest, and then going back a ‘changing’ it to a rest. However, that didn’t work in the first measure. I’ll look for the ‘start/end voice thing’.

Yes, woodwind quintet.

The popover thing worked - Thanks!