In this example I’d like to show a lone 8th rest before the chord. (If it matters, the melody is Voice 1 upstem flipped, and the chord is voice 1 downstem flipped). I can get rid of the trailing rest by having the chord end the voice. But I’d like to get rid of the quarter rest at the beginning of the measure and just insert an eighth rest before the chord. I tried entering 3 dummy 8th-notes with forced durations and then deleting them, but Dorico’s model insists on filling in the spaces. I can get rid of all the extra rests easily in the usual way, but putting in that one rest eludes me.
I do understand that what I want to do is non-standard; you’re supposed to account for all the beats or none. But it’s what the composer did in 1893, and it leads to a much less cluttered but still unambiguous measure.
I guess I could insert it as a playing technique or a text entry or something. I’d like to do something less kludgy if it were possible.