Hello everyone,
I am two weeks old on Dorico and I just ran into my first issue.
I deleted some bar lines to create space for a piano cadenza and the extra beats are creating bar rests for every condensed staff on the full score. These bar rest are not showing up on the individual parts as I’ve hidden them with the “remove rests” option.
Is there a way to remove these unwanted bar rests from the full score?
Thanks in advance.
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The better way to do a free metered cadenza is to insert an open time signature:
Shift-M “open”. Deleting the barlines is not the preferred way. After the cadenza you would input a new time signature and probably hide it.
If you really want to hide this one remaining rest in other parts, select them and do Edit > Remove Rests
(sorry for the lousy cadence, it’s just a placeholder)
If you remove rests in the score this way, you will have an empty and very narrow bar in the part. If you don’t want this, just leave it there, and maybe put a fermata on it.
Another possibility would be to make cues of the cadenza in the parts.
I’m afraid I disagree with @meixner . Personally I find cadenzas much easier to input nesting everything in a single huge tuplet (in this case it looks like 12:1q tuplet). This means all the complexity is one part and the other parts are unaffected.
I think that would very much depend on the size and texture of the cadence … but of course there are (at least!) two ways to do it. My main point was, that just deleting barlines to make room seems suboptimal…
In cases like these I’m personally too lazy to calculate a fitting tuplet:
Thank you @meixner and @Janus for your input.
I’ve tried both methods but it only seems to condense the rests on the condensed staffs but not get rid of them (see below)
.For some reason, this is not a problem on the parts that are not condensed (strings, saxophones)
When I work on Write Mode with one part per staff bar rests for those bars are not visible.
Dorico seems to create the bar rests on the condensed parts by default.
I want be able to not have those rests on the score. Luckily, this is not a problem on the individual parts.
Thank you so much!
My method does not involve any change of time signature. You fit the whole cadenza in the second half of a 2/4 bar (assuming you have a crotchet rest at the start, as shown), So there should be no additional rests in any other part.