Unwanted rests in drumset

I’m not sure exactly where you do want Rests and where you don’t, but
a) any notes you move to an “extra” voice won’t be padded with rests
b) you’re not limited by the default voices - if Upstem Voice 1 has a bar rest, you can move the Downstem Gooce 1 notes for that bar into Upstem Voice 1
b) you’re not limited by the default stem directions - you can always flip the stems using F

Hi all,

I’m also having issues with rests in drum parts. I was able to use the “Extra up-Stem Voice” function to good effect with Cymbal hits creating extra rests, but the blue whole rests in 76 and 78 still persist.

There is a hi-hat playing in that blue voice earlier, I don’t know if that matters, but I feel if I just enter four bassdrum hits in a bar, it shouldn’t create those rests.

Help appreciated, thx!


The blue voice is probably the default voice - if you were to delete the contents of bars 77-81, the likelihood is that the whole rests left (and the only whole rests left) would be blue. Thus the solution is to switch the bass drum notes into Upstem Voice 1, and then hit F to flip them if that’s what you want.


I’ll be damned, but this did the trick. Thx!
My suggestion then would be to abandon the “upstem” and “downstem” terminology with percussion “voices” (since they apparently don’t have anything to do with the voices in non-percussion parts), and denominate them somehow differently.
Especially since stem direction is kind of flexible and special in drum set notation anyhow. Just an idea to create more clarity… :wink:

Best wishes,

The problem is, if you edit your Percussion Kit, each instrument has a default voice and stem direction. If by default you want Hi Hats to have stems up and Bass Drums to have stems down, I can’t think of a clearer way than calling those Upstem and Downstem voices. Of course, I’m merely a user and have no say (or no more say than anyone else!) in terms of the direction that Dorico takes.

Fair enough, Leo, and thanks for chiming in again… :wink:

Have a great day!

A year and a half later, is there any options I don’t know to do that ? or do we still have to use some shaddy workaround to just hide this rest ?

Having this issue now and it makes my score ugly :confused:


There’s not been any change in this area.

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There is no music that would ever have these extra rests in a part, but in the land of Dorico you have to wait YEARS for the developers to learn what that looks like so you have a chance of producing a professional looking drum set part. It’s an embarrassment.

The development team have said they’re working on it. See Hiding drum set rests - #2 by dspreadbury for instance.

In the meantime, the workarounds do work.