Upbeat bar number

Hi experts,
is it possible in DP 5 to have an upbeat as bar no.1? Most classical scores count it this way… In order not to loose the overview when I’m copying scores, I have to correct the bar numbers on each page…

I disagree with your assertion, but… select something in your pickup bar and right-click>bar numbers> add bar number change should do the trick.

(What is DP 5?)

Dorico Pro 5 I assume :grinning:

Heh … To me “DP5” still means Digital Performer (from 2007).

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I have never seen a score of classical music, at least by a reputable publisher, in which it is not the first complete bar that is considered bar 1. Could you give a few examples (composer, title, publisher)?


Hi, thanks for your answers.
After having a closer look at the scores I must admit that you are right. But in a few cases the upbeat bar was 1. It depends on the publisher. Later on I’ll look for an example…

Some published music in the past 30+ years used Finale’s original defaults, which included the Petrucci font, the straight-tipped bracket and misshapen brace, linear note spacing in each bar, too small a lyric font size … and not numbering a pickup bar zero, because it didn’t have a proper mechanism for making one.