Upgraded Arturia

Hi, I upgraded my old arturia to the new V5
is there anyway to get cubase to automatically recognize those old presets I had set in the older versions of Arturia instruments?

I am stumped by this and a little frustrated because I had old patches and older tracks that I am trying to recall and cubase says the instrument is not installed. Would be nice if it could recognize the new updated instruments

Thank you!!!

Arturia released a converter for the older presets. Youll find it on Arturias site under the V-colection resources/downloads and manuals area.

But it still won’t load older projects! The new plugs in v5 have new names!
But AFAIK you can have both installed (old and new).

Yes, keep the old installed for backward compatibility. I used plugin manager to put them into a folder “Old Arturia”