A question to Steinberg:
Will there be a special upgrade pricing for Pro 11 users to upgrade Spectrallayers One to Spectrallayers 7 Pro? There is no such option in the webstore, but I thought to ask just to make sure.
A question to Steinberg:
Will there be a special upgrade pricing for Pro 11 users to upgrade Spectrallayers One to Spectrallayers 7 Pro? There is no such option in the webstore, but I thought to ask just to make sure.
Hi Magnus, not that I’m aware of.
There are special pricings for the following upgrades:
-SL6 → SL7
-Elements → Pro
-RX → SL
Hi Robin,
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I saw the avialable offers, but thought that perhaps there will be one for SL Pro but the shop just hasn’t been updated yet. There usually is upgrade offers even for these basic versions of full programs, as with the bundled versions of Cubase and Wavelab that come with Zoom recorders.
I am still hoping for this, since I am more than impressed with One, and extremely hopeful about what Pro can achieve.
To follow on from this, i’ve just been exploring Cubase Pro 11 and discovered Spectrasonics.
Is there any upgrade path to Spectasonics Pro from Cubuase or do you need to buy the full version?
I suppose you meant “SpectraLayers”
There are no upgrade path if you don’t already own a SpectraLayers Pro or Elements license or a crossgrade product such as RX or Audition, you’ll need to buy a full SpectraLayers Pro license.
hey does anyone know which version of SL comes with Cubase 11 pro?
I installed SL7 pro and only basic functions work. I was never asked a license code and I’m unsure if Cubase uses this version or automatically downgrades it.
Check the support section of the Steinberg product page.
Hi @Christian_Hierhold Cubase 11 Pro comes with SpectraLayers One license. Installing SL7 Pro or SL8 Pro will just launch SpectraLayers One as long as you don’t enter a valid SL7 Pro or SL8 Pro license in the eLicenser Control Center.
great, thank you!
Hi @Robin_Lobel,
I aslo have SL One, just checking if I can buy an SLE upgrade from 7-8 and it would work for me.
Many Thanks,
Hi @MickWilful not sure I understood your question, if you’re asking if there’s an upgrade price from SL One to SL Element there is none, as SL One is considered a free edition.
Upgrade prices are from Element to Pro or from Element/Pro 7 to Element/Pro 8.
That is what I was asking
Thank you.