Upgrading From Cubase 9 to 14 Questions

Good Evening Producers,

I may have to go directly to Steinberg support for this one but I figured I would start here in hope that someone may have dealt with this before.

I currently have Cubase 9 LE(yes, I know), and will be upgrading to Cubase 14 Artist. I’ve recently made more time for my music and want to make sure I have the right tools. My questions are as follows:

1.) Being that it’s a dinosaur of a version, what steps do I need to take before installing Cubase 14? I read a little about needing to get a tech involved to temporarily upgrade me to a later version before installing 14, but this kind of leap in versions is very new to me.

2.) Will I lose unfinished projects and any plugins/VSTs with the conversion?

3.) I personally like Cubase. It does what I need it to do as a solo musician. Since 14 is fairly new, would anyone recommend using 13 instead?

Thanks for any help. I don’t think I’ll have a choice in releasing the completed songs intertwined with tunes recorded after the upgrade unless I want to mix them all over again.

Any suggestions or direction is greatly appreciated.

  1. Request free upgrade to 14 LE here. How/When shall I receive the Cubase LE 12 upgrade from LE 11 e-licencer
    You’ll be informed once the license is deposited in your account, Then you buy the 12, 13, 14LE to Artist 14 upgrade.
  2. No
  3. No
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System requirements also changed quite a bit since CB9.
Make sure your OS is 64-bit and recent enough for ex.
Older VST2 plugins are not supported anymore, some might still work, but some won’t.
Check the devils hiding in the details here:

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