Hi Cubic ppl,
finally i have a new pc with Win 11 so i buyed an upgrade license from my old Cubase Pro 10.5 to Cubase Pro 14 and i received a download code.
BUT… the 14 is already installed from the new pc manifacturer (expert in DAW) and the manifacturer said “to activate your Cubase 14 just open the Cubase 14 and login when asked to your Steinberg ID”… but the progz opens and dont’t ask me anything!!!
Any suggestion? Tnx
I assume you didn’t give them the download access code?
In which case sign in to Steinberg download assistant and enter it there.
Yep 'coz the S.D.A. give me an error … something like “the server is unreachable” so… the only thing i can do is to click on the link of the “generic” download page on the Steinberg site (in wich - BTW - i’m logged in).
End in that page there is nothing where i can paste the download access code.
Open the utility program called “Activation Manager”
In there have a look if the Cubase Pro 14 license is just activated or whether it is running as a trial version.
If it is fully activated you don’t have to do anything else.
If it is running as a trial license then you possibly need to tie the bought license to your MySteinberg account. You can do that via the MySteinberg web page:
So it’s not clear what you are answering Yep to…you gave them the download code or not?
And why are you going to the generic download site when you said they installed it already?
If you have a download access code that wasn’t used already and SDA not working use MySteinberg
If you haven’t yet applied the update from 10.5 to 14 you will need to enter the download access code in the download assistant with your USB-eLicenser for 10.5 connected and recognized by the eLCC.
Edit: Sorry, @Grim … I just noticed you already made this point.
Tnx Man! This solved!
For Cubase and Wavelab too (upgraded from 9.5 to 11).
(plus i reinstalled the downoad manager and now it works fine!)
The key step was the “redeem” step.
BTW i activated the products via the Activation Manager AND inside my USB eLicenser dongle… but… dunno if the second is necessary for both Cubase and Wavelab.
Tnx again