Upgrading from Elements 8 to 13 on an old PC

I own Cubase Elements 8, which I’ve only used on rare occasions. I’d like to upgrade to Elements 13, but systems requirements show an i5 CPU of the 5th generation, while mine is 3. generation (8GB RAM).
Does that mean 13 won’t run at all or just that my PC can’t handle larger projects (wouldn’t mind that for testing purposes)?
I’m in the market for a new PC (i7 or i9 CPU with 32 or 64 GB) but would like to make the decision for a new DAW before buying a PC.
For Cubase I might upgrade to Artist and for Iconica from Sketch to sections & player later on.
As I have a project running in Cubase 8, how difficult would it be, to continue this in Cubase 13, as there are probably different Plugins at work?
Also, any ideas what kind of PC would be necessary with the aforementioned upgrades in mind? Of course bigger is better, but I don’t want to waste money on an oversized system either.


Most probably Cubase will run at your system, but it will not be able to handle larger projects.

To test Cubase 13 on your specific system, download Cubase 13 Trial, please. Then you can find out, if it will work on your system, with your projects. Then you can decide to buy it or not.

You can continue to work on your projects made in Cubase 8 on Cubase 13 without any issue. The old built-in plug-ins will be overtaken by the new/updated ones. If you are using 3rd party plug-ins, they are going to work in Cubase 13 the same way (if they are at least VST2.4).

Just try it with the Trial. :wink:

Thanks for your reply.
So if I want to work on the old project on the new PC later on, I’d have to install both Cubase 8 and the new version so all plugins I’ve used so far are available?


You can install Cubase 13 only.