UR 22 Driver not starting

Help - After installation the driver for my UR22 will not start, what am I doing wrong?

Did you install from the latest version at UR22 Updates and Downloads | Steinberg ? What operating system are you on? Are you trying to set it up for the operating system sounds or for Cubase?

Yes I’ve tried downloading the latest drivers and I get the same result. I am on a Mac, which is new to me. I am trying to set it up for cubase. I have to believe that I am doing something wrong as the Mac and software are all new to me. I have the Yamaha Steinberg USB icon in system preferences, when I click, it opens up the “about” window. When I click the “OK”, it all disappears. I can find no other way to open it… Help

Maybe there is some confusion on “opening” the UR22. There is not any software to open for the UR22 itself. Are you trying to setup the UR22 for sounds of the operating system, a different DAW (if so, which one), or Cubase?

Go to Applications, Utilities, Audio MIDI Setup. Are you able to the UR22 there? Is it connected and is the light coming on the device?

Yes, I can see the UR22 in Audio MIDI setup, and the light is on. Does that mean I am good to go with setting up Cubase?

Ye sure are buddy !

Thanks Cow, and thanks Chris!