UR44 problem-clarification

My ur44 used to work perfectly, and now it blinks when I turn it on. I have the 64bit win10. I have tried connecting it to another computer with win7, tried different usb cables, different usb ports-the problem remains. The computer simply doesn’t recognize the ur44. I have installed tools for ur44 numerous times, following every instruction, and still-nothing. I can’t record and I can’t hear anything on my computer. HELP.

Did you turn on the CC MODE switch? That would do it.

Of course. I have done everything I can think of.

Just to be clear- I mean that if you turn that switch on, that would stop it from connecting. It should be off.

Otherwise, this does sound like a hardware problem, so if possible, contact support.

Did you verify that the CC mode switch is in the of position?


I’m afraid that sounds like a hardware problem… Is it still under warranty? Even if not, you should contact support or the place you bought it. (I don’t know where you are)