I have a UR824, with Win 10 and driver V2.1.6… I have no problems selecting ADAT A or ADAT B or WCLK in as my clock source - but every time i restart the computer, I need to tell the driver which clock source to use (& as a result i get the popping sound through my monitors until i tell it which clock to use)… so basically, every time i shut off my PC, the system forgets which clock to use. Is there somewhere in Cubase or other settings where i can set the default clock source so its always correct on startup? Thanks! John
heya - thanks for the reply… I have 2 units connected to the UR824, a Behringer ADA8200 along with an Alesis AI3 unit… (so along with the UR824 this gives me 24 analog inputs).
I have the ADA8200 hooked up as ADAT A into the UR824, and in Cubase’s “Studio Setup” menu I select ADAT A as the external clock source. But I have to do this manually any time that I restart the PC… thats what Id love not to need to do - somehow i would like the system to remember my preferred choice of ADAT A as the external clock source… thanks!