UR824 - Default ext clock setting?

Hi Folks,

I have a UR824, with Win 10 and driver V2.1.6… I have no problems selecting ADAT A or ADAT B or WCLK in as my clock source - but every time i restart the computer, I need to tell the driver which clock source to use (& as a result i get the popping sound through my monitors until i tell it which clock to use)… so basically, every time i shut off my PC, the system forgets which clock to use. Is there somewhere in Cubase or other settings where i can set the default clock source so its always correct on startup? Thanks! John

What is connected to the UR824?

heya - thanks for the reply… I have 2 units connected to the UR824, a Behringer ADA8200 along with an Alesis AI3 unit… (so along with the UR824 this gives me 24 analog inputs).


What are you trying to set as the clock master?
How do you sync the devices?

I have the ADA8200 hooked up as ADAT A into the UR824, and in Cubase’s “Studio Setup” menu I select ADAT A as the external clock source. But I have to do this manually any time that I restart the PC… thats what Id love not to need to do - somehow i would like the system to remember my preferred choice of ADAT A as the external clock source… thanks!