Urgent - bar number and Break issue after XML Import

Hello everybody, I do receive a strange behavior after an XML import that I can’t solve.
The meter does not fit with the breaks and the bar fillings: T25. 26 and 30

and the bar number ist jumping from 34 to 25 …

Fouls someone help please?

Best gogollny
Bildschirmfoto 2023-05-07 um 20.20.23

Show Signposts. It’s likely that bar 30 will show as a pickup bar and bar 25 has a bar number change.

Thank you , I posted that one on the German forum with a workaround as solution. But the reason for this I don’t understand . There are 13 bars like this… hm…thanx

The problem is usually caused by a badly formed xml file. What was the source program?

It was the latest Logic version. Inside that session everything was shown fine, but maybe it has problems with the odd meter stuff…

Thank you