I usually use my BBCSO with piano as my play template but would like to use the lute from Iconica Sketch. I saw a video on YouTube about doing this in Dorico 3 which was really complicated. Is there any easier way in Dorico 5 Pro?
I’m going to take a shot at answering this. I just successfully did something similar in my setup (piano from the default Dorico sounds, everything else from NotePerformer), but please note that I’m a novice in the playback area. Someone else may well chime in with a better answer.
- Go to Play > Playback Template
- Click the + for Add Playback Template
- Give your template a name, pick a space template if desired
- Click “Add Automatic”, and choose one of the existing templates that includes Iconica Sketch
- With that entry selected in the Entries section, click the + in the Instrument Overrides section.
- Find the lute you want and click OK
- (Repeat 5 and 6 if you want more than one lute from Iconica Sketch)
- Click “Add Automatic” again and choose the existing template for BBCSO
- Click OK to save your new template
I believe this creates a playback template that will use the specified lute(s) from Iconica Sketch and will fall back to BBCSO for everything else.
Thanks for the info. I’m going to give it a shot!
Well, I got as far as step 5. When I clicked on Instrument Overrides, nothing happened. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?
It should come up with an instrument picker, where you would then pick the specific Lute you would like to use.
Once completed it should look like this:
I usually put such specific instruments at the top to ensure that when it’s loaded in order that it looks there first, and then everything else is treated as a fallback.
Working playback template attached if you want to have a peek under the hood.
BBCSO Pro w Lute.dorico_pt.zip (180.5 KB)
Make sure you have the entry you added in step 4 selected in the Entries panel.