Use same Page Template for all parts?

Really diving into Dorico for the first time in the last 24 hours. So far I’ve found a reasonable solution for everything except this:

Every new instrument I create, has the default page template, rather than the one that I made and imported, which is labeled “Default Part (Imported)”. Do I have to manually set every new instrument to use the page template that I created? When dealing with a large score, this is a lot of clicks, and it’d be easy to miss one.

Is there a good way to avoid having to go into engrave mode and select this for every single part?

Thanks all!

In Layout Options, you can select all the Part Layouts together in one go, and then set the Template to be used.

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That is right. But if, for instance, you’ve created a title page a want to use it before the First page template on each part, the OP is right that it’s an operation that has to be done on each part. I admit that it limits my willingness to go the extra mile and add those title pages (that would be really useful when I start the music on page 2 to avoid page turns). But that’s something I’ve already requested a while ago

Yes, I do most title pages in Affinity Publisher, and then combine PDFs. It’s one extra click.

This totally solves it! I didn’t see that you could select multiple layouts on the right side like that. Thanks so much!