Use the Same Selection Across Multiple Clips on the Same Track

What’s going on everybody,

I’ve spent hours trying to figure this out so I came here hoping someone has solved this already.

When Mastering singles, I will drag and drop the main mix and all of the alternate mixes onto a single track, selecting the ‘Line Up Files on Active Track’ option in the Insert Audio Files dialog. Often times, I want to add a clip effect to only a certain section of a song. To do this – like most of you I assume – I make a selection and use ‘Create Clip from Selection’. The issue I’m trying to solve is replicating this selection and clip separation on the alt mixes. As of now, I have to manually select the same range for each of the alt mixes and ‘Create Clip from Selection’ before copying over the desired clip effect from the main mix.

Is there any way around this? I fumbled around with ‘Copy’ → ‘Memorize Selection Length’ and the Range Selection window for a while with no luck.


If I understand correctly, you want to be able to find a certain section later on another track at the same position.

The fastest way would be to create a pair of markers around the selection. This then allows you to double-click to reproduce this selection on any track. And when you no longer need them, you simply delete these markers; for example, you just have to press R to create a pair of markers around the current section, it’s very fast.

Another solution would be to create a preset of the selection in the selection range editor; if the selection is spread across all tracks, you will recover the selection on the track you want.

This floating window will come in very handy if brought back.

You can simply use the Ribbon, which is already “floating” and does not have the disadvantage of covering of parts of the application.

Anyway, what can be more convenient than just pressing the R key on the keyboard, to create a marker pair?

Thank you @wavelabpro and @PG1! That’s not quite what I meant but I think a visual might help this along more. This is how I currently structure my mastering sessions for a single:

@wavelabpro @PG1 Since all of the clips are on the same track I’m looking for a way to do something like this – excuse the poor photoshop skills. If this isn’t possible, at least copying and pasting the selection to other clips on the same track:

Thanks again!

There there is another way: create your 1st selection and put markers around it (not to loose it). Then press Control (Command on Mac) + Shift, point in the selection, and slide it to another place (when you do this, the selection border benefit from the snap feature). When you have set the selection somewhere else, create a pair or markers. Do that multiple times, as you like.

There is another way: make your 1st selection. Then place the edit cursor where you like the next selection to appear (click in the time ruler, to prevent removing the selection). Then
open the selection range editor and use these settings. Repeat as many times you need.

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Thanks @PG1! With a little tweaking I think I have streamlined it as much as possible – the settings I’ve used are slightly different:

I’ve decided it’s easy enough to make a selection on one clip, ‘Create Clip from Selection’ and then move my cursor to where I wish to paste the same selection on the next clip. With the help of SoundFlow it’s pretty quick – I’m manually separating the clips in this video:

And you are perfectly right! I mistakenly sent you a wrong screen shot.
And you video is a good demo indeed :slightly_smiling_face: