Useless Cubase manuals

The online manual has helped me very much in adapting from Sonar. This forum has been really valuable as well. YouTube tutorials are hit and miss, but the ones that hit are to the point, brief, and packed with great info. The PDF manual is on my tablet, phone, and desktop. I consult it rarely but only because the other resources are faster. I switched to Cubase Pro in March 2018 and have already done quite a few successful projects - audio and music for movies. I’m constantly learning things and every once in a while I’ll find something so cool - that makes life so easy - I have to say it out loud “Wow! that’s cool!” The manual is just fine.

I agree that the manual is absolutely useless to all but those who already know how to run the program.
Example :
Open media files (it doesn’t show where to do that )
Then lay down a drum track….
But I don’t want a drum track …. And so it goes on …
All I want to do is record a vocal track and a stereo piano track … I was a protools user with no problems … I could arm a track , record, overdub and use effects with a seamless quality … I can’t even record and use the mixer board

Well the thread was dead for six years but…

The manuals are REFERENCE manuals. They’re for reference when you need to look a feature up. They’re not tutorials or ‘Cubase for Dummies’ in any way, shape or form. There are plenty of those elsewhere including Steinbergs own videos all over their website and YouTube…


Maybe this helps for starters:

or this one: