User chord pad presets not showing in 9.5

My User chord pad presets (the ones I’ve created myself) are not showing in CBP 9.5 when I try to load them. I can see them everywhere else: media bay, side panel media bay, media bay file system, and they are in the correct folder in C:\Users\xsdgsdg\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Chord Pads. I also see them correctly in CBP 9.0. (The factory presets are all there in both 9.0 and 9.5. The user presets are normally listed among them, at least in 9.0). Is anyone else seeing this? Thank you.

Deleted Cubase preferences. Problem solved.

Hello! I have the same problem. Please tell me more precisely how you solved the problem. What preferences? Thank you!

Have a look at this. Hope it helps:

Thanks, friend! I solved this problem by completely reinstalling Cubase (with cleaning the Steinberg folder in AppData and ProgramData). But your advice will take note! Thanks again!