User interface colours not saving with press

I was just backing up my preps and checking some stuff out and noticed that when I save my preferences it does not include the user interface colours can anyone help with this?

Only just noticed this as I’m going back to Nuendo 13 as my C14 trial is up , spent a hour trying to work out why Nuendo had wrong colours. Dam :slight_smile:

OK so I think this could be a Cubase 14 to Nuendo 13 problem , before I could copy the Prefs folder from one to the other (both ways) but now it seems the “UserPreferences.xml” file does work from C14 to N13

I found the colours are stored in the “UserPreferences.xml”

if anyone knows more please let me know



So …
N13 to C14 your prefs word 100%
C14 to N13 they don’t ? so for me its the User interface colours not work , I guess there could be more.

I know this makes sense since we’ve gone up a version but I guess it’s a bit of an odd quirk just the colours don’t work