User One Shots - Drum Machine

Is there a correct place to store user one shots?
Until Drum machine this didn’t really matter to me as I had a fold called one shots and saved it to mediabay as a favourite.

But now, if I write, click a pad in drum machine, I do not see that folder listed

in library/application support/steinberg there is an Audio Folder , if I put samples in there then Drum Machine see them. is this the way you have too work with One shots from Drum machine to see them?

I don’t really like having samples stored at that level on my Mac and prefer to have sample stored on my cycle to drive on my Mac where I can keep track of stuff ,

I haven’t used the factory samples much, but there is a loop & samples section in the media window, but I can’t see how to add a user folder to this. like I can in HALion