Using Cubase Chord Track Info to Automate Divisimate Scale Changes: Is It Possible?

Hi, I’m using Cubase 14 and Divisimate 2 as a plugin, everything is working perfectly well! I started using my Stream Deck for changing scales via QuickControl and was wondering, if there is any way to go one step further?

Basically, I’d like for Cubase to transfer the project’s Chord Track information into a QC value, so that the Divisimate plugin automatically changes its scale based on the current position.

Has anyone tried something similar before?

First thing I’d do is route the Chord Track to an Instrument or MIDI Track and record what happens when it passes through a couple of Scale Events. Then use the List Editor to see what you are starting with.

@m.c any ideas?

Unfortunately nothing different than the one you’ve already suggested :slight_smile: