Using Cubase with Reastream

Hello :grinning:
Anyone here using Reastream to record Cubase sound into OBS for say tutorial videos?
Only when I place Reastream into the control room,save and open a project say,Cubase goes into safe mode and takes off the plugin!
If I put the plugin onto the master out,its OK Tried various options,Voicemeter too
Going to look again,but any help would be appreciated

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Hi dave!! How time bro!! I hope you are fine…

Put ReaStream in your Contro Room,for example. Configure your options and save as for default, check the image.


I am Pablo Vazquez from the HangOuts…you can see me on discord!

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Look at this:


RECORD and STREAM AUDIO from your DAW to OBS with ONE PLUGIN - YouTube


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Hey Pablo
Great to hear from you,thanks a lot for your help.
Not been around much due to health and work issues.But ready to jump on the horse again,lol
Hope to chat with you on the Disocord,see how your doing ok

Thanks a lot
Yes ,I have watched that,also chatted to Chris Selim last Christmas,he too was having the issue.
But I should look into this,follow Pablo suggestion
Thank you anyway for your reply

I’ve been using it for a long time and cubase doesn’t crash because of that, hahaha, no seriously. try it, it works fine. in fact I linked it to you in discord in its day !! but you were gone …

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That’s awesome,didn’t think of that idea Pablin.
We should have a chat over in discord share some exciting news too

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Hi Dave,

Te link is a NEW evaluation from Chris he did two days ago and is using Reastream for this

Hope this helps,


thanks a lot,yes saw Chris’s video
Also Pablo mentioned saving Reastream as a default too