I am trying to display melodies using BravuraText v1.393. Using staff positioning glyphs, I am able to display notes on a staff properly as in this unicode character sequence : ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘gClef’, ‘staff5LinesNarrow’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘timeSigCombNumerator’, ‘timeSig4’, ‘timeSigCombDenominator’, ‘timeSig4’, ‘=’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘staffPosLower1’, ‘noteQuarterUp’, ‘=’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘staffPosLower2’, ‘noteQuarterUp’, ‘=’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘staffPosLower3’, ‘noteQuarterUp’, ‘=’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘staffPosLower4’, ‘noteQuarterUp’, ‘=’, ‘-’.
If I change a note in a melody to a B4 (the one note without any positioning glyph in that clef) the note are not spaced evenly on the horizontal axis anymore and a gap appears after the B4 note and the next. Example with a B4 in the middle of the melody:
unicode character sequence: ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘gClef’, ‘staff5LinesNarrow’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘timeSigCombNumerator’, ‘timeSig4’, ‘timeSigCombDenominator’, ‘timeSig4’, ‘=’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘staffPosLower1’, ‘noteQuarterUp’, ‘=’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘staffPosLower2’, ‘noteQuarterUp’, ‘=’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘noteQuarterUp’, ‘=’, ‘-’, ‘staff5LinesWide’, ‘staffPosLower4’, ‘noteQuarterUp’, ‘=’, ‘-’.
Example is rendered using Qt 6.5 but I also seen the same behaviour using MS Wordpad.
Is this a limitation, a bug or just me who missed something in the documentation on how to use those glyphs?