using usb mic and internal speakers

I have a usb microphone and I want to be able record voice and playback the track using the internal speakers of my iBook.

Device setup can see the microphone and I can select it as an asio device but my internal speakers are shown as not connected.

If I change the asio driver to see the speakers I can’t see the mike.

If I record using the microphone I have to change the asio driver to playback via the intenal speakers.

I don’t seem to be able to use use both.

Any suggestions?

Create an aggregated Device on your Mac.

Please elaborate thinkingcap - thanks

AFAIK Aggregated device on Mac will combine several audio devices into one. Other than that Win / PC user here, so investigate yourself. I’d try the forum search and google.

Thanks thinkingcap.

I found the aggregate device setup in AudioMidi setup .

A dropdown part I didn’t know existed until now. I now have sound and record.

Thanks again

you’re welcome.