Variaudio not working right

I copied a section of a new blank project for a test. I duplicated the track and then selecting only one, used variaudio to raise it to a third wihtin the key. I play both back and I hear no difference. I look and they both changed. I try again and same thing.

I’m confused. You have a blank Project which somehow also contains Audio?

Can you please clarify. Perhaps some screenshots might help.

If you duplicate the track, all the material on it will be shared copies. So when you change the notes on one, the other changes too, because you are acting on the same “clip” of audio. If you want to make a duplicate that is independent from the original, you need to right click on the material and “Convert to Real Copy”.

I have a project with vocals, with many tracks. I took a short clip of one vocal and copied it. I created a new blank project for test, added an audio track and pasted the clip into it.

OK great thanks. I had rembered that only applying to midi events after using the repeat function.