Velocity changes- How to isolate


I’m on PC with C6.5. I’ve recorded on a MIDI track and I’m on the Key Editor page for MIDI editing.

(1) If you have, for example a number of 3 note chords and I want to change, say, the velocity of all the lower notes all at the same time by the same amount of velocity, I’ve forgotten the short cut to do this to avoid the process of performing this thankless task on each note separately. I can group all the lower notes which then turn black to show they’re grouped but I’ve forgotten the next steps.

(2) Similar to the above, how do you isolate individual notes of the same pitch throughout a project to achieve the same result.

Many thanks.


Two possibilities…

  1. Go up to the Info Line, and edit the value of the velocity of the note that you see there (it is probably that of the first-selected note… they will all change value by the same amount)
  2. Shift+Ctrl while hovering over one of the selected notes (a “speaker” icon will appear), then Drag the mouse up or down.

(2) Similar to the above, how do you isolate individual notes of the same pitch throughout a project to achieve the same result.

(Well, not necessarily for the whole Project, but at least for the MIDI Parts that are open in the Editor :wink: )
Shift+double-click on the first of the desired notes
Select the first note, then Edit menu>Select>“Equal Pitch - Same Octave”


Thank you very much for your time replying. I’ve followed this through and—hey presto—velocity changes happen as described. I owe you a pint ! Hope this short thread helps others with similar problems.


I’m afraid we’re metric over here… so that will cost you one litre! :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, it’s 0.47318 in metric I’ve just looked it up but it 'll taste just as good.

Yours forever thirsty,

I added the VAT (Vic’s Awfully Thirsty :stuck_out_tongue: )