Version os apple

HELLO Do you know which macbook os version is more compatible with steinberg because I have sequoia and it’s a disaster which is the best monterey sonoma version
thanks i have a macbook pro M4 MAX sequoia 15.3

I run Cubase, Nuendo, WavleLabPro, SpectraLayers, and all the Steinberg plugins and have zero issues on Sequoia 15.2 in Apple Silicon native mode.

If you want meaningful feedback, you’ll need to be specific about your audio interfaces, plugins, controllers, and which Steinberg product you’re talking about (presuming Cubase since this is where you posted.).

There are tons of helpful people here, but no one can assist with “disaster” as the only bit of info.

Cubase 13 pro (13.0.51 version) no problem for me using mac mini M4 pro using sequoia 15.3 in apple silicon native mode.

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I can’t be more explicit, I use the Steinberg vst, but it’s impossible to download sounds with library manager it tells me an error every time and Cubase Elements 14 that I bought doesn’t work either because it’s 14.10 in the download manager it tells me application required that’s it and in sound card I use the mixing table with the Yamaha drivers so explain to me how to do it, I have Sequoia 15.3 and nothing works!!!

What error? Be a bit specific.
Try downloading Cubase from here. It’s one download for all variations, LE, AI, Elements, Artist, Pro.

yes precisely it tells me application required because it is 14.10 and I need 14.
when I want to install it it tells me application required.
thank you very much for your help!!!
and on the download that you gave me it is 14.10 too
and my problem is also library manager crashes at the end I can not download my vst sounds on macbook pro, otherwise I have cubase pro 14 in tests it works very well with my plugin refx nexus and analog lab .5 it is with the steinberg vst, I can install them, but it is the sounds that do not want
thank you for your support

14.10 is just the latest update to 14. It is the one you want.

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the problem before I was microsoft, I had all the pro 12 and all the vst, but I am new on macbook pro and I would like to reinstall everything but unfortunately impossible, so I reinstall pro 10 but what saddens me is my vst plugin because I had halion 7, padshop pro, sonic it installs no problem, but I download the sounds with library manager and download manager impossible, really thank you for your support !!!

steinberg library manager previleged helper as wrong version failed to etabilish previleged helper !
please to latest steinberg library and reinstall !!!

  • List item

This is what Library Manager tells me after trying to install Zero Gravity from my Padshop Pro

yet I tried all versions

and even if I managed to install 14.05 it disappears I don’t know where it is not in my applications or in my system folders ???