More spacing problems:
I seem to have changed some part of vertical spacing and I can’t get back to what I want.
What I want:
Please see the version 08222024b Page 12
What I want to fix
Please see version 09082024 Page 14
I compared and matched the vertical spacing options but I clearly missed something and now the text of the exercise is too close to the notes.
Any help would be appreciated.
Mendelson ExcercisesFlowHeader08222024B.dorico (1.6 MB)
Mendelson ExcercisesFlowHeader09082024.dorico (1.7 MB)
Well, the vertical spacing on those 2 pages is completely identical. So I guess you just mean that “Exercise 9” is colliding with the notes.
The difference is that the earlier version still shows “Piano” at the left of every system! With that gone, the music is not indented as far, and bumps into the text in the frame.
You could edit the page template to place “Exercise 9” where you want it. But it would be much easier to just write “Exercise 9” in staff text and position it in Engrave mode if necessary. Then you wouldn’t even need a special page template.
Thank-you Mark !!!
I fixed it by adding the “Piano” instrument name on the first stave only
2 other questions…
Can you take a look at pages 6, 7, 8 and help me add staves on pp 7&8? On page 6 I get 5 staves but on 7 and 8 I only get 4. I tried to limit vertical justification to a pretty high percent but Dorico will not permit 5 staves.
Also, I can’t seem to hide “Flow Titles” on pages with the Default page template even though I performed the following action:
Page Setup>>>Flows>>>Flow Title in header>>> and I selected:
“Hide above Flow Heading”
Again, thanks so much for any help!
What’s happening on pages 7 & 8 is: Dorico is doing its best to balance both pages at once, with an odd number of systems between them and the next flow automatically starting a new page. You can get a 5th system onto page 7 by selecting a note at the beginning of bar 21 and one in bar 40 and doing Make Into Frame. Then it’s still only 89% full, and that leaves only 2 systems on page 8 (which looks more normal).
If you want no flow-title header on any subsequent pages, you can just delete the token text from that frame on the page template. The “Hide above Flow Heading” setting is only for the first page of a flow, with the flow heading showing – it doesn’t apply otherwise.
Another point: You can and should select all the 4/4 meters that come right after final barlines and switch on “Cautionary at end of system” (with Hide) in Properties.
Wow Mark. This is incredible. Thank-you
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MArk -
I found one “cautionary” 3/4 time signature that I eliminated. In the case of page 6 and 7, are those 4/4/ bars at the end of each line considered cautionary…and should I eliminate them? I don’t see any others leading into new flows.
Mark -
In order to not screw up with my limited understanding of page templates, I Created a new page template to remove the Flow Title from the frame at the top of the deafult page template. I created a “Custom” page based on “Default” and, in the custom page (“NoFlowHeading”) I removed the token FlowTitle. ( I know the name of the template is improper).
However, inexplicably, the Flow Title has vanished from the Default Page template. I did not touch this template, Not only that, but I never applied the new page template but all the flow titles are, of course gone from Default pages.
If all I did was create a NEW template, why did this change affect the OLD, EXISTING template, which I did not alter?
Mendelson ExcercisesFlowHeader09102024_MIssingDefaultTitle.dorico (1.8 MB)
Any meter change before a new exercise, you can hide the cautionary. A cautionary right after a final barline doesn’t make much sense.
I’m not an expert with page templates, but here’s what I find: When I make a change to your NoFlowHeading, the same change happens to the one named Default. I looked in the documentation, and found:
So apparently your NoFlowHeading is another “Default” type, based on the original, even though we’re not supposed to be able to have more than one!
Similarly, First_Experimental and First_wPage#s both seem to be the “First” page type, because a change to one happens to the other. I’m guessing you created FrameTest1 not based on another page, since it has no frames on it.
My conclusion is that you should delete and rename your templates to get yourself back to the original two, clearly named. And then be brave with experiments on them! Dorico keeps automatic backups every time you save.
But I have some questions for the team, @dspreadbury et al:
If a template set is allowed only one First and one Default page, why are all 3 choices of type available in the New Page Template dialog? Why is it even possible for Manny to have more than one of each type in his set? Is the above “mirroring” the expected behavior when creating and editing an additional non-custom page template?
Well, you can change the designated “First” or “Default” page template pair. But I agree it’s not helpful that you can add a new one if one already exists. I guess Dorico should unset this magic value from the existing page template that holds the honour.