Vertical Waveform Zoom Shortcut

Please, add avaliability to assign shortcuts to Vertical Waveform Zoom - the onnly way to do it now is that tiny slider, whicch is very hard to use when one is on massive audio editing routine.

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+1 !

You can use the Zoom > Zoom In/Out Vertically key commands.

EDIT: I guess this request is for the project view where that doesn’t work…

I need this feature too. So do other users, and many requested this feature back in 2014. Steinberg, are you listening? Here’s the thread:

At present, Shift-H zooms in vertically in the waveform Editor, which is good. But in the Project Zone, it expands the whole track vertically instead. That does not allow enough expansion to see small-amplitude waves clearly, so it’s not sufficient.

In the Project Zone, the Shift-H keyboard shortcut should do what the little vertical slider does: expand the actual waveform, not the track. That would be consistent with its functionality in the waveform Editor.

In the current version (Cubase 12), Alt + H and Alt + G worked for me.