Very Basic Audio Routing Question

This is so basic that it’s embarrassing to ask
I have started using Behringer UMC1820 interface.
So I have connected my keyboard left and right outputs to inputs 7 and 8 on the the interface.
I then go to Cubase audio connections and select Audio Inputs 7 and 8, all good so far.
So if I then go to Audio Outputs in Cubase and select OUTPUTS 7 and 8 the software tells me that I can’t do this,it basically says the these outputs are being used.
So I then choose outputs 5 and 6 and everything is fine.
Why is this I think of input and outputs as separate.

In Cubase software outputs would be stereo (left and right) and inputs can be individually assigned to however many inputs your interface has.

Inputs and outputs are separate. If it tells you Cubase outs 7 and 8 are being used that’s because you already have them assigned somewhere else.

So for extreme simplicity in my case,
Starting from an absolutely empty Cubase audio connection dashboard.
Let’s say I connect my keyboard to stereo inputs 3 and 4 should I be able to select 3 and 4 in audio outputs without any problem.
I don’t actually want to plug in cables (physically) in outputs 3 and 4 of audio interface.

Is this saying that DAW outputs need to be stereo.
Sorry if that’s a daft question

The outputs correspond to output buses. If you create a mono bus, it is only mono, of course.

Can you provide a screenshot that shows in which situation this happens?

Recorded output could be mono but normally stereo if you are playing back on stereo system.

Audio connections isn’t the only place outs could be assigned. There’s also external instruments and control room if active.
Not exactly sure why you want to assign anything to these iif you don’t want to plug cables into them.
What are you trying to achieve?

You got it Grim I was using 7 and 8 also with External Instrument,I removed that and it resolved the problem.
I was thinking that I also needed to assign external instrument to inputs,but of course that’s midi and not audio.
Solves that problem, thanks

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Where do I start.
I’m trying get my head around using the Beringer UMC 1820, I think I’ve finally figured the headphone monitoring between Direct Monitoring and DAW.
I’m using arranger keyboard to recording backing styles live, drums,bass, chord 1,chord2,chord3, etc.
So I’m recording and playing back say 7 midi tracks at the one time using a external instrument.
So all that works great.
I’m then recording separate midi tracks in conjunction to make up more tracks in the song.
As things stand now I’ve got everything recording and playing back how I want.
I’ve got control room working with external instruments,cue mix for musician/vocalist and ref track cue also set up.
Im trying figure out the best way to get these 16 tracks to audio.
Bearing in mind that I can only have one external instrument when recording midi to audio and render in place is great for vst instruments, and it’s good for external keyboard unfortunately I don’t have 16 keyboards
Its quite involved to try and mix midi,so my initial thinking was if I could get my midi tracks to audio at a decent volume with dry settings this would be a better way of approaching mixing separate tracks,compression, volumes panning etc
I think I’m just going to have reload finished midi file into keyboard and record audio from their.
It’s a very good learning curve for an old guy.
Thanks for your advice

If your keyboard only has the stereo out then getting all those 7 channels to audio is certainly going to take a bit of time as you’ll need to run through the track in realtime 7 times over while soloing each track.

There’s no way around that if you want to use those sounds rather than vsts and don’t have multiple devices or outputs.

Yes I agree, I’m going to mix it on keyboard and record from stereo on keyboard, a lot easier.
Which brings me to my next question on the forum :kissing_closed_eyes: