Video player freezes Cubase 10 pro


The current video engine in Cubase is note based on Quick Time anymore.

I uninstalled QuickTime and the project still freezes every time.


Could you provide a DMP file generated by Microsoft ProcDump, please?

I have the same problems, until I convert the video to avi. (Maybe the simplest video codec there is). That seems to work every time.

Update: What I found that works best for me is to convert videos ProRes422 LT format:

  1. Search for, download, and install “ER Media Toolkit”
  2. Open the “ProRESER” application
  3. I use the following settings: Quality, ProRes422 LT, force to size unchecked, deinterlaced checked. No CPU Limit.

Hope this helps.

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Not even .avis are working at this point. I’ve never had problems with the video player in Cubase until 10.5. It’s so frustrating it’s the first time I’ve considered looking for another DAW, because I’m doing film music with deadlines, and this failure to run video files with music is just no longer excusable.

Brian Burman
SRF Swiss Television


I have been experiencing this too, and think that I have found a workaround.

The problem seems to be with high resolution and maybe high frame rate. After I experienced this problem in Cubase 9.5, I made a low resolution copy of the video and it played without glitch. I then exported the audio and mixed them in Da Vinci Resolve as I had initially intended.

Yeah this is an old post, but um. If you go into the top menu:
Studio>Studio Setup
then tick/select Release Driver if Application is in the Background
That helped me :slight_smile: