macbook M1 pro VST live 2.1.13
no layers, no automation, just 2 -4 audio tracks, a lyric track (via sidecar/Wlan) and a Videotrack (via HDMI-Cable).
The Videotrack is a few frames delayed compared to 2.1.6 and in both versions I have little jumps in my mp4 Video track.
Is there a favourite for the video-setting (I make them on my own 1920x1080 mp4)?
Anything in the settings?
Is it right to use the (sidecar) display extention of the macbook (via HDMI) or is there another/better way to connect the videotrack to a monitor or beamer or LED-screen?
I had tiny jumps in my videos for aages and couldn’t fathom what on earth was causing it. I decreased my audio buffer settings and that sorted the problem out straight away so have a play around with that. For some reason the audio buffer seems to have a ‘jitter’ style effect on the video if its set too high.
On board HDMI should working good, but you can grab special Thunderbolt devices for video output too (e.g. from Blackmagic)
What exactly did you set?
When its set to 512 I get jumps. When its at 256 video runs smoothly
weird. Thanks, will check.
I’ve noticed in these last days I have the same iussue, when I’m on 256 I have some small random jumps, with other buffers everything seems fine.
You are correct. The jitter is worse, the higher the audio buffer size.
If the buffer size is below the duration of a frame, you wouldn’t notice.
Should be fixed with todays’ upcoming version, give it a try.
tested at 128, 256, 512, and now everything seems fine
No…VST2pro Version 2.1.21 is not playing videotracks fluently with higher audio buffer size than 128 on my macbook M1 pro.
My video is mp4 1980X1080 and imported without audio. It’s jumping …and I guess it’s worse than in Version 2.1.19…
audiointerface is a rme fireface 802 which should be quiet good enough.
Is there something to set in the graphic card in the macbook which might make it better?